Creating a Path of Promise and Success
The success of families and youth is the primary focus of our programs and services, and we strive to be a catalyst for growth and educational excellence, empowering and encouraging students to exceed their goals. AACA is a stepping stone on the road to success for the homeless and at-risk youth, creating a path of promise that leads forever upwards.
Our programs are designed to promote and provide access to academic excellence, holistic wellness, and personal accountability. We nurture each mind like a garden, knowing the harvest will be a more capable and productive community, full of empowered people who are equipped to achieve at the highest levels.
So we appeal to you, the Donors. Become a part of the answer; help AACA assist the homeless and at-risk youth in developing successful outcomes for the unique challenges they face daily.
The Dropout Crisis: Every Nine Seconds a Student Drops Out of School
Number of Homeless Students in Albuquerque Public Schools (APS)
Albuquerque has a population of about 560,000; the homeless rate is 21.9 per 10,000 people per the Albuquerque Journal. The 21.9 does not including women of domestic violence or the 4000 homeless children.
Join us in letting them know that WE DO CARE and THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.
AACA provides academic support, tutoring/mentoring and serve homeless children and families with food, clothing and growth empowerment.
Be a helping hand.
African American Cultural Association
Take a look at the work we are doing in your community. Alone we can do very little.
TOGETHER we can move mountains!
AACA Needs Ongoing Support From You!
AACA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Gifts to the agency are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Working in association with the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) and others, the African American Cultural Association’s mission and goal is to give academic, cultural and social support to children in grades K-12, who are from homeless or low-income families in the greater Albuquerque area. These students are at-risk for academic failure and behavioral issues that effect of the community as a whole. Through our Community Academic Initiative Resource (C.A.I.R.) we are able to align students’ academic needs for improvement in math, language arts and science with APS standards, as well as health/wellness, drugs/alcohol and life skills training.
The AACA provides hope for the youth in our community.
OUR HISTORY: The African American Cultural Association (AACA) is a non-profit organization founded at Kirtland AFB in 1985 by military and civilian personnel with a goal of promoting self-respect and educational development in ALL our youth regardless of ethnicity within the Albuquerque area.
Since our inception in 1985, AACA has provided tutoring /mentoring services to more than 10,000 students in Albuquerque and surrounding areas.
- $13,000 in book giveaways to schools for low income students to take home.
- Funding $20,000 in scholarships for students maintaining a 2.0 GPA.
- Introduced winner of the year 2000 Newbery medal.
- Sponsored book fair for 20 well-known authors.
Yesterday I was a 14-year old boy already using hard drugs and alcohol, not attending school,
and getting involved with the wrong crowd. Hopeless and without direction in life my home life
was chaotic and I literally felt like I had no one I could talk to or trust.
It wasn’t until I was introduced to the Media Technology mentorship program through the
AACA/CAIR that I found a place where I belonged. Strong male mentorship and counsel
bought me back to school, receiving high marks, developing better relationships, and lifetime
friendships with these mentors. Today, I have completed school, am gainfully employed, have
my own home, and am a proud father making room for tomorrow for my son.
Thank you AACA/CAIR, I am eternally grateful!
SimonSo we appeal to you, the Donors. Become a part of the answer; help AACA assist these homeless and at-risk youth in developing successful outcomes for the unique challenges they face daily.
Take this opportunity to support the displaced students and families. Please help someone who is less fortunate than you.
AACA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Gifts to the agency are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Homeless Students and Family Empowerment
Is a program that provides assistance for homeless students and families in the APS School District, Albuquerque and surrounding areas.