Community Academic Initiative Resource Center - CAIR

Mentoring and hosting after school programs that focus on math, reading literacy, langauge arts, science, and computer literacy.

Social Emotional Academic Learning - SEAL

Developing social skills, logical problem solving, holistic wellness and personal accountability, sound decision making, and a desire for academic excellence.

Summer Magic

The philosophy of the 4-6 week summer program is to provide a positive learning academic experience for all students of multiple levels.

Media Technologies

Media Technology was developed to assist that non-traditional student in grasping fundamentals of the practical applications. 

See Our Programs In Action

With your help, we can make a difference in our community.

Will You Be A Bright Beacon of Light & The Ray of HOPE for our Youth?

They are our Future & we need your support. HELP us by making donations to our organization.

Community Academic Initiative Resource Center (C.A.I.R.)


C.A.I.R provides support with Homework and FREE professional tutors in Math, Science, Language Arts and other subject. We offer hands on workshops and life skill training tutoring and mentoring to at-risk youth to prevent school truancy and drop-outs.

C.A.I.R. is an organization with dedicated individuals that will enrich learning opportunities for children during after school hours, focusing on practical and positive youth development principals.

Social, Emotional Academic Learning (S.E.A.L)

The S.E.A.L. program is designed to aid students in self development and instill a desire for academic excellence. S.E.A.L. is a partnership that involved the student, parent, teacher, and the community.

-Improve Social Skills

-Develop Problem Solving Skills

-Improve Academic Learning AbilitiesAid in the Decision Making Process

AACA Needs Ongoing Support From You!

AACA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Gifts to the agency are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Summer Magic

The philosophy of the 4-6 week summer program is to provide a positive learning academic experience for all students of multiple levels. Our summer program is designed to assist students in maintaining or exceding grade level skills and provide academic enrichment filled with fun.

Media Technologies

Realizing that not all students are oriented to a traditional classroom setting, Media Technology was developed to assist that non-traditional student in grasping fundamentals of the practical applications of basic math, reading, and to acquire the ability to speak intelligently through the medium of music. This program is directed toward the potential drop-out student.

-Drop Out Prevention

-Music Development/Expression

-Mathematics and It’s Relation to Music

Work With Us

If interested in working with C.A.I.R., S.E.A.L., Summer Magic, Media Technologies or Homeless, please contact the African American Cultural Association at (505) 256-8306, email [email protected] or write to AACA, PO Box 18043, Albuquerque, NM 87185.

It would be our pleasure to work with you to achieve our joint aims.